The Fourby Boost Pin - Add more power to your 200/300!
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Number of ratings: 23
Average rating: 4.9
Well made, looks and feels as good as the more expensive one.
from Ian on 22/05/2021
Easy to fit, no instructions so phoned Fourby to ask about nylon collar which should be omitted. Recieved helpful and informative advice on fitting and on how the pin would perfom. :)
from Witek Roszczynko on 06/02/2021
from philip pike on 11/12/2020
after fitting both products performance is greatly improved toutoghly reccomended
Easy to fit and a noticale difference
from David Black on 25/08/2020
from Fionàn O'Kelly on 17/06/2020
Excellent engine improvement. It really is a very effective tuning item and won't wear with time due to the hardening that's been applied to the pin. Very easy to install and gives your engine a great boost.
Love the it!! And I'm not just saying it
from Alex Harmer on 22/05/2020
Took next to no time to get in, and the power different was amazing, I did fit a boost ring aswell which Neil recommend, well worth the money and I would recommend as a first mod, my Defender was totally stock before it and it makes the truck much more drive able
from Andy Plimmer on 01/01/2020
Very simple to fit and makes a surprising difference without undue smoke if driven normally. If you accelerate hard up hill you do see more smoke than previously. It makes for a more pleasant drive in general.
You notice the difference
from Douglas Newton on 11/10/2019
not much happening with the top speed, but a lot more acceleration.
Ill take the roof rack off and try it out on a trip to Scotland, However at 250K miles I won't be looking for the world landyspeed record
well engineered
from phil coles on 08/08/2019
my pump was already removed so easy to fit & works well
Really impressive
from Anonymous on 30/07/2019
Definitely another vehicle with the Boost Pin. Great.
Perfect purchase and fast delivery.
Simple to install, works effectively
from JB on 04/04/2019
Very pleased with the extra performance especially in hilly areas!
Very much worthwile.
from JCB on 28/02/2019
Only installed the boost pin recently so yet to analyse long term benefits. Certainly boosts the power on long up hill roads and on acceleration.
Great product,
from Neil on 19/12/2018
Definitely notice the diifference , add the ring and give the pump a bit of a tune, tweak the turbo actuator rod or add the turbo boost controller. and it is a different vehicle, only thing to say is make sure you have the EGT guage and a turbo guage fitted. Well happy.
Product looks good and my son in law loved it when he fitted his.
from Morag Robb on 20/11/2018
Very prompt delivery time and stress free ordering.
Very Impressive
from Mark Dawson on 09/10/2018
Great increase in performance , still smokes even with ring back in, might be idea to keep ring uncut until tested.
Very happy with this product
from Chris on 10/05/2018
Made a big difference to my land rover not a big job to fit well worth the money I all so fitted the boost ring a little more difficult to fit but well worth the time and money
from Steve K. on 14/04/2018
This, plus the boost ring, have transformed the driving experience in my 110 with 200tdi. Simply amazing. The engine is quieter, smoother and more powerful at all speeds. I can now accelerate up hill in 4th gear and no longer live in fear of stalling the engine when stopped on a steep incline. Should have done this upgrade a long time ago.
Good product. Works fine massive improvement seen fitted along with boost ring
from Anonymous on 10/04/2018
very pleased
from Anonymous on 01/04/2018
the boost pin was easy to fit and has made a huge difference to the performance of my 300tdi .towing a horsebox is much smoother with less gear changes.top end speed is also improved but mainly the car is easier and smoother to drive
from Anonymous on 28/02/2018
I discovered the fourby Boost pin casually as the boost ring.
i followed the guide on you tube and it was quite simple to do.
just 10 minutes.
The smoke growed up band i think that best performance will arrive once the boost ring will be fitted too.
thanks for now
Easy effective power upgrade
from mark swarbrick on 30/11/2017
Easy to install (had to use an impact driver to get the pump screws off) but otherwise was a simple drop in replacement. I found the boost ring product actually made more of a difference but the pin did help as well. With the pin and the ring installed it was night and day difference. Worth the money! Also I didn't have to make any other adjustments for smoke etc as my pump was stock which was good news..
good product
from Anonymous on 26/11/2017
noticeable midrange improvement used along side the boost ring, although the boost ring was a pig to fit? nothing to with the product my landy has a lot of stuff under the bonnet. its not something I will try in different settings I will leave it with three shims. too much work? ha ha.thanks.
from kevin dixon on 31/10/2017
as with the the boost ring fitting us easy enough. together they totally change the car ..
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